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Digital Dialogue: The role of partnerships in strengthening the impact of Civic Tech

📅 06 July 2023 | 🕟16:00-17:00 CEST | 💻 Online |


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Civic tech is not technology as a product but should be viewed as a methodology, process and means of engaging different problems.

Digital Dialogue: Amplifying Underrepresented Voices – What would a gender-equal approach to remote working look like?

📅 04 May 2023 | 🕟16:00-17:00 CEST | 📌 Online 💻 |


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👋 International Sign
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Although remote working is not a new phenomenon,

What trends did we miss and why do we miss them?

30th March 2023 by Paola Pierri, Rachel Wilkinson, Will Garrood

Spotting emerging trends at an early stage is key for the international civil society sector to be able to adapt and respond to those trends before they could have a negative impact or in order to make the most of an emerging opportunity.  

Trends and early signals are not always easy to spot and futurists and strategists within ICSOs are always looking for new ways and methods to get better at anticipating future scenarios in order to make the sector more resilient. 

Digital Dialogue: Transcontinental Gig Work: what to do about the next round in global exploitation

📅 06 April 2023 | 🕟16:00-17:00 CEST | 💻 Online |


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👋 International Sign
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The global division of labour in the industrial age is well known: The Global South provides raw materials and cheap labour in its sweatshops for multinational companies from the Global North to supply global markets.

Digital Dialogue – Emerging Tech: Exploring ChatGPT’s opportunities and risks for CSOs in the Global South

📅 02 March 2023 | 🕟16:00-17:00 CET |💻 Online | 👋 International Sign  [CC] Closed Captions


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AI chatbots like chatGPT are all the buzz in the digital zeitgeist.

Whose future is it anyway? Civil society and strategic foresight

12th December 2022 by Ben Holt

This blog is based on a keynote speech delivered at the International Civic Forum 2022 (ICF 2022), the Centre’s annual civic space platform to network, build trust and identify opportunities for collaboration on emerging issues. The ICF 2022 focused on “Anticipating Futures for Civil Society Operating Space”. It kicked off a three-year initiative to strengthen anticipatory capacities and future readiness of civil society professionals working to defend civic and civil society operating space.

Call for Applications: Evaluation Consultant

5th July 2022 by Elizabeth Parsons

The Centre is looking for an experienced consultant or a team of consultants with expertise in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) to conduct an independent evaluation of the Leave No One Behind (LNOB) Partnership and its Making Voices Heard and Count project. The consultant will be expected to review and evaluate the activities the LNOB Partnership has conducted on global, national and local levels since its inception in 2017.

Digital Dialogue #5 ‘Hacking for Good?’

The Civic Tech Innovation Network (CTIN), in partnership with the International Civil Society Centre, is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a discussion titled ‘Hacking for Good?’ as part of its #DigitalDialogues Series. 

Meaningfully connected: Inclusivity requires a lot more than just access

14th April 2022 by Nkosinathi Mcetywa

What does it mean to be truly inclusive in a highly digitised world? Is it time to refine what we mean by ‘access’?

In an increasingly digitised society, access to digital tools does not always equal participation, and as such, access to digital technology is not enough as a measure of inclusion. Oftentimes, the digital divide persists even when people have access to technological tools,

The Future of Global Mobility

14th April 2022 by Karl Steinacker and Dr Steffen Angenendt

Our Digital Advisor Karl Steinacker has jointly published with Steffen Angenendt of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs an article addressing the structural bias travellers from the Global South are facing. The article was first published at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in German. (English version of SWP‑Aktuell 10/2022) Translation by Tom Genrich

Why We Need a Debate about Multilateral and Digital Solutions to Prevent the Global South from Being Excluded from International Travel

The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly reduced international travel.