Founded in 2007, the Centre is owned by 14 of the largest international civil society organisations (ICSOs), who work across human rights, social justice, humanitarian and environmental issues. We are a not-for-profit limited liability company. Our shareholder organisations all hold equal shares in us and are thus our “Owners” and pay an annual contribution to fund our work.
The Centre’s shareholders are our highest decision-making body. They meet twice a year, generally in April and October to elect members to the Centre’s Board of Trustees, hear reports on the Centre’s work and approve the Centre’s budget and audited accounts.
The role of the Centre’s Board of Trustees is to monitor the management of the organisation. There are 12 seats on the Board, one of which is an ex officio seat without voting rights reserved for the Centre’s Executive Director. The Board seats are held on a rotational basis and filled by the CEOs of our Owners. The Board is supported in its work by the Finance Committee, which is currently the Centre’s only Board Committee.
The Centre’s shareholder organisations are ADRA International, Amnesty International, CARE International, ChildFund Alliance, CBM Christian Blind Mission, HelpAge International, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam International, Plan International, Sightsavers International, SOS Children’s Villages International, Transparency International, VSO International and World YWCA.
The Centre’s work is also supported by international civil society organisations who are our Core Supporters. These are organisations who pay annual contributions and are involved with the work of the Centre but do not own any shares. Currently, the Centre has five Core Supporter organisations: Terre des Hommes International Federation, WaterAid International, World YMCA, and Wikimedia.
In addition to having Core Supporters, the Centre also works with affiliate organisations that share its values and ambitions around social justice. The mutual agreement is to exchange ideas and challenges and to further develop a relationship of trust and support. Currently, the Centre has three Affiliates: the CyberPeace Institute, the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) and the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA).
The Centre aims to provide a dynamic and diverse as well as safe and trusted space for leaders from civil society, activists and many others from around the world coming together to share insights and experiences on the most pressing issues affecting our work. We promote and value respect for all participants and perspectives regardless of their background or gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. We prize the diversity, safety and trust both at and generated through our events.
As such, we have a zero tolerance policy for any kind of harassment, discrimination, threatening or otherwise inappropriate behaviour at our events, and have established procedures to deal with any events which may arise. If you experience or witness any such behaviour, please either report it as soon as possible to a member of the Centre’s staff at the event, or email All cases or suspected cases will be treated seriously, but confidentially and discreetly. Following thorough investigation, necessary and appropriate action will be taken. For further information, please also refer to our Complaints Handlings Mechanism on our website.