
Solidarity Playbook: Discover and Learn from our Pilot Case Studies

22nd April 2020 by Eva Gondor

Solidarity and collaboration are among strongest tools we have to push back against clampdowns on civil society. These pilot case studies – initiated by the Solidarity Action Network (SANE) – showcase best practices, challenges, and lessons learned from organisational resilience mechanisms and coalition responses to scrutiny and attacks. They show positive outcomes and new practices developed by civil society organisations and coalitions.

There is clearly a need to move from reactive mode – responding to clampdowns – to a more formal prepared footing. Our strength will be in building on these case studies and ensuring that there are stronger organisational and sectoral responses as a whole.

Also, read: Key Learnings for Civil Society Coalitions and Key Learnings for International Civil Society Organisations.

Click on the pictures for a case study summary or find each complete case study to download below.

Case Studies on Coalition Responses

Case Studies on Organisational Resilience Mechanisms


Background to our Pilot Solidarity Playbook Case Studies

Written by Sarah Pugh and Deborah Doane, these case studies first appeared in an in-house study called “Solidarity in Times of Scrutiny” presented at the International Civic Forum in Addis Ababa in October 2019.

We sincerely thank our case study partners for making their learnings available to a larger readership.

The presented case studies reflect the status of when they were written in October 2019. Naturally, the political situation as well as the organisations’ and coalitions’ learnings have since evolved and are constantly evolving.

Click on the buttons to read a complete case study.

ActionAid case study

Civilisation case study

Spaces for Change case study

Vuka! case study

Greenpeace case study

Islamic Relief case study


Eva Gondor

Senior Project Manager

International Civil Society Centre

Eva leads on the Centre's civic space work - the Solidarity Action Network (SANE) aimed at strengthening resilience of and solidarity among civil society actors, and the International Civic Forum (ICF), our annual civic space platform to network and identify opportunities for collaboration. Prior to joining the Centre she worked at the Robert Bosch Stiftung (Foundation) in Stuttgart where she managed the foundation’s projects focusing on civil society and governance in Turkey, the Western Balkans, and North Africa.