Disrupt & Innovate

COVID-19 Resources for Civil Society #2

6th April 2020 by Thomas Howie

This page is part of a series of COVID-19 resource pages that we are creating to help civil society actors.

Click here to view all available pages.

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On this page, you will find links to readings, podcasts and videos related to the latest COVID-19 news and analysis. This selection is based on what the International Civil Society Centre and its staff find useful. If you have a recommendation or a suggestion, let us know.

This week the sections are:

Staying up-to-date: Links to sites that will keep you abreast of important developments related to our sector and the latest news.

Strategic analysis: We look at the impact and responses to COVID-19 in a general and intersectional way (i.e. impacts on human rights, climate change, etc).

NEW: Policy positions: Published policy pieces by civil society actors that respond to challenges posed by COVID-19.

Operational and leadership: A list of what your organisation can do now to navigate these unprecedented times.

    1. Staying up-to-Date

  • Global Issue: COVID-19 resource page (World Economic Forum).
    WEF resource page including: government responses, avoiding infection and spread, finding a vaccine, impact on trade, travel, workforce and financial markets.
  • COVID-19: how are African countries coping? (The Guardian).
    In this podcast, Prof Trudie Lang talks about the outbreak on the continent and explores how a history of responding to Ebola and other public health emergencies could help.
  • Tackling COVID-19 in Africa (McKinsey).
    An unfolding health and economic crisis that requires bold action.
  • We need creative campaigning more than ever during the coronavirus crisis (MobLab).
    This is an essential window for social change campaigners to not only defend rights, but also drive quantum leaps forward. Here are four critical new realities MobLab believes advocacy campaigners and organisations need to address in order to remain effective.

Inspiring civil society responses from around the world

    2. Strategic Analysis

    Coronavirus Pandemic-Specific – Response Scenarios and Economic Impacts

    Future Scenarios

    Intersectional Analysis

    • The People vs 4G internet and other corona stories from Kenya (Wangui Kimari).
      An opinion piece on how COVID-19 mitigation strategies will not work for the poor in Africa, and how inequalities will be widened as a consequence.
    • How COVID-19 affects inequality in Africa (INCLUDE).
      Weekly updated news item on the policy responses to the COVID-19 outbreak, and the impacts of this pandemic on African societies. It takes a specific inequality lens on the consequences for key vulnerable groups, and consider the broader impacts on inclusive development for the region.
    Civic Space
    • The Worry of Governance: Coronavirus and Emergency Politics (From Poverty to Power).
      What could happen to state-society relations and the functioning of states once the pandemic has been brought under control? Which of the unprecedented actions that governments are now taking will have impacts – positive or negative – on these relationships and how?
    Data and Digital
    Gender Equality
    • Feminist Resources on the Pandemic (Center for Feminist Foreign Policy).
      The response to the current pandemic is in dire need of feminist perspectives, especially as we are already seeing the gendered impact it is having. This is a useful and up-to-date resource page for feminist dimensions of the pandemic.
    Multilateralism and international cooperation

        3. Policy Positions

        4. Operational and Leadership Advice

              • COVID-19 and the disability movement (International Disability Alliance)
                Recommendations toward a disability-inclusive COVID-19 response – hub-page with recent updates/resources as they become available. In English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Arabic.
              • COVID-19 reveals weak spots in NGO contingency planning (Devex).
                The business continuity plans of many NGOs, detailing how to keep operating in the face of unprecedented disruption, are inadequate or nonexistent, according to the latest findings of a poll about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development sector.
              • COVID-19 resources for NGOs and humanitarian action (ICVA)
                The International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) is collecting guidelines, tools, statements, papers and links, including humanitarian coordination, forced migration, community engagement, inclusion and diversity, and funding.
              • Key considerations: informal urban settlements and COVID-19 (Institute of Development Studies).
                Key considerations for protecting informal urban settlements from the  impacts of COVID-19, amid heightened concern due to the combination of population density and limited infrastructure. This briefing discusses what is known about vulnerabilities and how to support local action.
              • Resources for civil society in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic (CIVICUS).
                CIVICUS’ civil society resources webpage outlines the key priorities shaping CIVICUS’ response, which includes information others can use to build their operational/advocacy responses.
              • Responding to Coronavirus: Learning from each other (Center for Public Impact).
                Digital platform sharing innovative examples of how individuals, organisations and local authorities are changing the way they deliver services in the age of COVID-19.
              • Save the Children’s COVID-19 Program Framework and Guidance and Companion Pieces (Save the Children).
                Save the Children’s planning assumptions and priority areas for implementation over four phases of programming: preparedness, initial response, large-scale response, and recovery. The guidance allows staff to locate which phase their country/community are in and implementation of key actions and activities by sector.
              • The COVID-19 Learning Pathway (Open Access) (Save the Children).
                Save the Children’s new learning resource to support responders in their work within the new environment created by COVID-19. It covers a number of critical topics, including public health, child protection and gender/equality.

              Thomas Howie

              Communications Manager

              International Civil Society Centre

              Thomas joined the Centre in June 2017 as the Communications Coordinator. He is responsible for developing and implementing the Centre’s global communication strategy, as well as the Disrupt & Innovate platform – a place for civil society professionals and activists to discuss current innovations and future trends in the civil society sector. Prior to the Centre, Thomas worked for 5 years in the European Parliament firstly as the Digital and Social Media Coordinator for the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, and then, after the 2014 European elections, for Jude Kirton-Darling and Paul Brannen as Head of Communications, where he worked on issues such as the EU-US trade deal, issues around Brexit and as a specialist on the Petitions Committee. Thomas graduated from Bristol University with BSci in Geographical Sciences and holds an MA in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford, where he completed research into the role of civil society in the post war peace settlement in northern Uganda.