Ensuring safer journeys to school for children and reducing urban traffic speed limits to 30 km/h in fast-growing cities across sub-Saharan Africa.
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Ensuring safer journeys to school for children and reducing urban traffic speed limits to 30 km/h in fast-growing cities across sub-Saharan Africa.
1.35 million people die annually from road traffic injuries, 90% in low- and middle-income countries.
Road traffic injury is currently the number one cause of death for persons aged 5-29 years worldwide.
Children in Africa are twice as likely to die or be injured in road crashes than children globally.
In this interview, Ayikai Poswayo, Programme Director of the award-winning School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI) at Amend, tells us the secrets to its successful evolution, impact and scale in delivering safe and healthy journeys for schoolchildren in cities across Africa, and how they are continuing to adapt, learn and innovate, including in recent response to COVID-19.
In the short excerpt below, Ayikai briefly explains the big idea behind SARSAI. For the FULL INTERVIEW, please visit Soundcloud or Spotify.
Community Engagement
Education/behaviour change
Community infrastructure
Stakeholder co-ordination and network-building
Technical support
Since 2012, SARSAI has:
Reduced injury rates by 26% and cut traffic speeds in school zones by up to 60% in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Scaled to nine capital cities/countries in Africa, covering 48 school areas/70 schools, preventing an estimated 500 injury cases each year.
Enabled policy change for traffic speed limits in school areas reduced to 30km/hour at national level in Zambia, and city level in Windhoek, Namibia.
Influenced large-scale engineering road projects in Tanzania through World Bank collaboration, via the Tanzania Strategic Cities Project (in eight cities), as well as others.