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Digital Dialogue #5 ‘Hacking for Good?’

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  •  7th July 2022
     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

📅 07 July 2022     🕟16:00 hrs. CEST / SAST

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Digital Dialogue #5

‘Hacking for Good?’

The Civic Tech Innovation Network (CTIN), in partnership with the International Civil Society Centre, is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a discussion titled ‘Hacking for Good?’ as part of its #DigitalDialogues Series. 

Hacking, that is the accessing of computer systems without permission. Hence, it is illegal in most jurisdictions. The situation across borders is more complicated. Last year the UN published a report on the topic of “Advancing responsible State behaviour in cyberspace”, trying to establish rules for the peaceful settlement and prevention of conflict in cyberspace. The document is seen as a first step to committing states not to engage in hacking each other during peace times.

Recently, and in the aftermath of the war of aggression waged by the Russian Federation against neighbouring Ukraine, the belligerent parties are not only engaging in mutual cyber aggression but appealing to others to join. As a result, Non-State-Actors are getting involved, such as Anonymous and others.

While a war might be seen as an exceptional situation, the question nevertheless merits an answer – also from a Civil Society perspective: is there such a thing as ethical hacking, where does it occur, what does it entail, and how could it be justified?


Guest Speakers

  • malebo sephodi – Writer and Researcher
  • Alex Strimbeanu, Creative Director at JANDL (independent advertising agency)
  • Dr. Bright Gameli Mawudor is the CTO at XETOVA
  • Marek Tuszynski, Co-founder of TacticalTech