2nd December 2021
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Thursday 02 December 2021 | 16:00 Central European Time
Scientist have proposed to call the current geological epoch to be the Anthropocene signifying the extent of human impact on Earth’s geology and ecosystems, including, but not limited to, climate change. While there is debate on when exactly that epoch might have started there is consensus that the ongoing digital transformation of our economies and societies is part of it. The appropriate global response to achieve climate justice is seen as a transformation of the world economy, flicking the green switch and building a sustainable system driven by decarbonisation, renewable energy, green jobs and a sustainable agriculture that preserves the Earth’s ecosystems and biodiversity.
THE DEBATE: Only green business is good business
In today’s economy and society, the importance of digitally generated goods and services is ever increasing. And as global warming has been accelerating in recent years, and is maybe soon reaching a tipping point, the digital economy cannot claim not to be part of the problem. Hence the question arises how can the digital transformation become a part of the solution?
Server farms and bitcoin mining are known to consume large amounts of energy. Is switching to green energy doing the trick or do we need to ask more fundamental questions as regards the legitimacy and usefulness of digital technologies and products? The production of digital hardware, batteries for example, require primary materials and produces million tons of electronic waste.
Few in the civil society sector would dispute the opportunities the digital transformation might offer to support causes of social justice, to fight poverty and marginalization, and other goals and values. But what strategies are required for the civil society sector to reconcile social and climate justice and to turn digital in a tool to promote climate justice?
- Alfred Schumm Director Innovations-Sciences, Technologies at WWF-Germany
- Syed Kazi, Senior Advisor and Consultant at Digital Empowerment Foundation
- Stefanie Kunkel, Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies