
Arbitrary arrests of trade unionists in the republic of Congo

18th February 2018 by Thomas Howie

Global Participe and the Congolese Coalition for the Civic Charter are concerned about arrests and detention since 16 and 17 February 2018 to the Directorate-General for territorial monitoring (Dgst) young student leaders and their collaborators, including: Anaclet Singou, President of the Free Union of Students of the Faculty of Law arrested on 16/02/2018 and Nelson Apanga President of Movement of Congolese Students and Teachers arrested on 17/02/2018, while other students were forced to hide in order to escape the savage repression and arbitrary arrests in the schools and faculties of Ngouabi University.

Two student unions had called all students at Marien Ngouabi University to a general meeting on 20 February 2018 to discuss issues related to their education and well-being.

Indeed, Ngouabi University suffers from several evils. After the teacher’s strike on the claims of their unpaid salaries, which lasted 8 months, since the academic year in October 2017, first year students have never started school, university restaurants are still closed and school scholarships for 10 months are unpaid.

Global Participe and the Congolese Coalition for the Civic Charter recalls that freedom of association is recognized by the constitution of 25 October 2015, whose preamble ” declares an integral part (…), the fundamental principles proclaimed and guaranteed by:
– the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948;
– the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights of 26 June 1981;
– the Charter of National Unity and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of 29 May 1991;
Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “every person has the right to form and join trade unions in the defence of his or her interests” Article 20 of the same declaration also states that: “any person entitled to freedom of assembly and
peaceful association”

And Article 9 of the constitution of 25 October states that “the freedom of the human person is inviolable. No one shall be arbitrarily accused, arrested or detained. “As a result, Global Participe and the Congolese Coalition for the Civic Charter call for respect for the
rights and freedoms of student unions and demand the immediate release of arbitrarily arrested students.

For more information:
Contact Ms. Léonie Mabirou, Head of Communication of the Congolese Coalition for the Civic
Charter: + 242 06 464 99 14

Communications Manager

International Civil Society Centre