
Call for Proposals – Consultancy for Developing an Animated Video

1st November 2021 by Elizabeth Parsons

The Centre is looking for an experienced videographer with expertise in animation and storytelling to develop a short (1-1,5 minute) animated video that introduces the Leave No One Behind (LNOB) partnership and its Making Voices Heard and Count (MVHC) project to international stakeholders who are not yet familiar with our work.

MVHC is a unique collaborative project of the LNOB partnership, which is hosted by the Centre. The partnership was launched in late 2017 by 12 international civil society organisations. It brings together international and national civil society organisations (CSOs), civic networks and platforms with the ambition to bring about a scalable solution for filling data gaps on marginalised groups in the monitoring and review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Centre is commissioning a consultant to:

  • Develop and produce a short animated accessible video suitable for use on various social media platforms introducing the work of the LNOB partnership and MVHC project.

Find the full tender and how to apply here

The Centre invites qualified individuals or organisations (“Offerors”) to submit a proposal for the requested services. The application needs to be submitted by 10 November 2021.

If you meet the selection criteria, please submit your application to Colette Rose including:

  • Proposal Narrative
  • Resume or CV of individual or principals, in the case of a consulting firm
  • A list of prior clients and links to earlier produced animated videos as demonstration material
  •  A detailed budget in Euros (EUR).

Proposals, including any attachments, should be sent electronically in PDF format to: Please ensure to include in the subject line: “Call for proposals – Video Animation”.

Communications Manager

International Civil Society Centre