
Call for Applications, Project Consultant Tender

30th July 2021 by Elizabeth Parsons

The Centre is looking for an experienced consultant with expertise in EU funding to identify concrete opportunities among the portfolio of EU funding mechanisms to support the Leave No One Behind Partnership and its Making Voices Heard and Count project.

Making Voices Heard and Count is a collaborative project of the Leave No One Behind partnership, which is hosted by the Centre. It brings together international and national civil society organisations (CSOs), civic networks and platforms with the ambition to bring about a scalable solution for filling data gaps on marginalised groups in the monitoring and review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thereby, the project aims to make a key contribution towards fulfilling the Agenda 2030’s universal pledge to leave no one behind. The project fosters an inclusive model of SDG monitoring, supporting the collection, analysis and dissemination of community-driven data and giving a stage to data produced by the local target groups themselves – helping to make their voices heard and count.

As an advocacy partnership, we aim to foster an enabling political environment for the inclusion of marginalised communities in the SDG process, working in close exchange with key government entities and local decision makers in our action countries. At the global level, we work with multilateral agencies and global platforms to amplify and reinforce our political messaging.

Our overall goal is to make sure that:

  • Country SDG priorities are inclusive of the voices of those at risk of being left behind.
  • SDG strategies and policies are informed by community-driven data, complementing other official data.

For this purpose, the Centre is commissioning a consultant to:

  • prepare an inception report for an assessment of EU fundraising opportunities;
  • scan available funding opportunities offered by the various EU funding mechanisms and instruments, and identify one or more applicable concrete opportunities for the Leave No One Behind partnership;
  • advise on needed administrative and financial capacities and required due diligence to apply for and administer potential grant amounts;
  • identify partner organisations within the Leave No One Behind partnership who are best suited to take on the lead applicant role.

Find the full tender and how to apply here

The Centre invites qualified individuals or organisations (“Offerors”) to submit a proposal for the requested services. The application needs to be submitted by 25 August 2021.

If you meet the selection criteria, please submit your application to Peter Koblowsky including:

1. Proposal Narrative, no more than 5 pages, including:

  • A brief description of the offeror’s experience and expertise in the field that illustrates overall qualifications, capabilities, and suitability
  • A brief description of the offeror’s understanding of the scope of services and proposed methodology for the work
  • A brief outline of the methodology to be used to assess the partner(ships) capacity, i.e. by conducting interviews/ sharing questionnaires or a fundraising audit

2. Resume or CV of individual or principals, in the case of a consulting firm

3. List of Past and Current Clients and successful EU funding applications the offeror has been involved in either as an adviser or co-writer

4. Cost Requirements

5. The Offeror should include a detailed budget

Proposals, including any attachments, should be sent electronically in PDF format to: Please ensure to include in the subject line: “Call for proposals – EU Funding”. 


Communications Manager

International Civil Society Centre