
Explore: ‘Civil Society Innovation and Urban Inclusion’ report

2nd February 2021 by Elizabeth Parsons

Civil society organisations are innovators. They test new approaches to both traditional and emerging problems. One of today’s most prominent and influential global megatrends is the rapid but unplanned urbanisation taking place around the world, which risks excluding the priorities of many groups of people living in cities from formal planning and decision-making processes. While civil society organisations have achieved some success in addressing these challenges, there is a significant opportunity for organisations to learn and benefit from the lessons others have encountered.

In this report, we’ve collected some samples of successful innovations in complex urban contexts that deliver inclusive solutions for marginalised communities. Get inspired by real-life examples of new approaches:

School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI) 

Built for Zero

Ageing and Urbanisation

Safer Cities for Girls

Urban Refugees Incubation Program (URIP)


Listen to our Futures and Innovation Podcast – an audio series streaming on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud designed to explore new ways of working and thinking in complex urban contexts.

Visit our Innovation Website to find out more about the aims of the report and all the case study content:

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International Civil Society Centre