Global Perspectives Speakers’ Participation Agreement 10th August 2020 by Thomas Howie Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *AffliationName of the organisation, network, foundation...etc that the speaker is affiliated withPositionSession TitleWhat is the content of the session you would like to present? *What is the format of your session (workshop, presentation+discussion, campfire/networking session, panel discussion..)Please enter a short bio of the speaker(s)/presenter(s) *Please indicate below any requests for session implementation (whiteboard, breakout rooms..etc)GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.Data Privacy and Event Terms and Conditions *I consent to all Event Terms and ConditionsClick here for Data Privacy and Event Terms and Conditions Captcha * = MessageSubmit Thomas Howie Communications Manager International Civil Society Centre