
#BlackLivesMatter to you? 3 steps you can take

12th June 2020 by Robert Vysoudil

1. Listen

Listen to people who experience racism. Follow Black and PoC influencers on social media. Being racist isn’t always intentional reflect on yourself and acknowledge your unearned white privilege it can get uncomfortable but don’t get defensive, instead, we should learn from our past mistakes.

2. Educate yourself

Why saying “All lives matter” is an inappropriate response to “Black lives matter”? Why can’t I use the N-word? What is white privilege? Actively look for answers on your own. Google these questions, read articles and books from Black authors, watch videos about systemic racism and listen to podcasts about colonialism and slavery.

3. Initiate change

Take action, go to protests if you can. Sign petitions, donate money, inquire your legislators, amplify Black voices and give them space. Be actively anti-racist don’t overlook racist behaviour in your family, among your friends, at your work, in public transport speak up. And be persistent.


Petitions initiated by Amnesty International:

Plan International’s guide:

Resource compilations:

A great number of resource compilations have been created in recent weeks, it will help you with all of the above-mentioned actions, including lists of organisations where you can donate:

Communications Student Assistant

International Civil Society Centre